Full sunshine, no wind, it was the perfect labour weekend…or so I thought. We had a group of people around at our place and did what people typically do at the first sign of the spring sun. Everybody in the house moved their transparent bodies out into the sunshine to soak it up. However, the merriment was short lived. After about fifteen minutes of sitting in the scorching sun the entire body of people began to complain that it was simply ‘far too hot.’ So, we all moved back inside and shut the doors on the beautiful springtime sun. The End.
What a sad story. Unfortunately, it’s also very typical. Here in Northland it seems virtually impossible for the sun, the wind, and the rain, to mutually agree on the best way please the little people down below. So, yippee, lucky us – we are one of the only places in the world that manages to successfully achieve all four seasons in one day!
However, we aren’t so lucky when it comes to planning a BBQ, deciding on when to hang out the washing, or whether tonight’s dinner should be outside under the stars, or maybe it will rain – who can tell? I certainly can’t, so I have decided to put together a list of three ways a SolarShield canopy can help you, beat the odds, win the battle against nature and become the envy of your friends this spring.
1 - Installing a covered carport
The benefits of this is pretty much endless and I could rave on and on about the millions of ways that a covered carport will make you the envy of your friends…but I’m not going to because I want to actually have friends after this paragraph. So here is a list of my top points.
· Not getting into a sweltering summertime car.
· Not having to sprint armloads of groceries through the rain to the house.
· Not grabbing onto a boiling hot steering wheel and wondering if your hands will ever be the same again.
· Not burning yourself on a seatbelt buckle - if you have ever done this you will understand why it made the list.
2 – Having a Covered Clothesline
Now, this is one for the mothers. Imagine this, not having to think twice about when or where to hang out the washing. Walking outside to the covered clothesline, totally carefree, you peg out the entire basket of once smelly clothes, now beautifully fresh and clean. You don’t even glance up at the sky because what’s the point? It looks ok now, but we live in Northland right!? Unfortunately, the fact that its sunny now doesn’t mean a thing. However, to the envy of your friends you have a SolarShield canopy guaranteeing that there will be no mad dash through the rain to save your hard work half an hour from now. Sounds like a win-win to me.
3 – Putting a Canopy Over Your BBQ Area
Ladies and gentlemen, this one is a life changer! Sorry, that was a bit dramatic – I got carried away because this particular idea is on my wish list and has been for years because I am a superstar at procrastination. Hence, when I write this it is packed with wishful thinking and yes – envy of my friends. But I really do want a canopy for my outdoor area this spring. You would have read my sad little situation earlier and that pretty much sums up why I have such a dire need. I want to be able to embrace the idea of outdoor entertaining because, let’s face it, it always leads to a much better time. The vibe is kept light and happy, it’s easier to mingle and talk, and in general the fresh air does wonders for the mind, soul, and body. But, only if the sun isn’t burning and the rain isn’t coming down. Which is pretty much requesting the happy medium - quite a big ask here in Northland. And none of that even touches on the whole planning side! If you want to be outside, you can be outside, the weather isn’t even a factor. Hence, as you may have gathered I am quite keen on one of these. Also, my birthday was in June…
So, there we have it, the top three reasons why having a SolarShield will make you the envy of your friends this spring. If you are feeling like this is something you just have to have, here is the good news...you can begin your search for the real thing right here www.solarshield.co.nz I can guarantee you will be blown away with the results!